Five selected photographs from a complete series. This series follows the transformation of an ordinary man into a spectacular drag queen – a performer who sings, entertains, and offers an escape from harsh reality.
The drag queen featured in the photographs is Miss Cherry, the alter ego of Dudu Aderey. Born in the 1980s, Dudu grew up in Eilat, served in the Border Guard, studied acting and makeup, and now resides and works in Tel Aviv. Dudu has achieved what many consider impossible: he has successfully channeled his creativity and expressed a unique part of himself to the world. To do so, he must be strong, resolute, sensible, and persistent, while maintaining his humanity, sensitivity, innocence, and vulnerability.
The visual material and lyrical undertones of the series are characterized by a unique intimacy, reflecting Miss Cherry’s self-confidence, her desire for exposure and recognition, the trust she placed in the photographer, and the rapport they developed. From a narrative perspective, the photographs document the stages of Miss Cherry’s performance preparation, including makeup application, wig selection, the layering of undergarments, and the final assembly of her ensemble. From an intimate perspective, the photographs capture the profound trust Miss Cherry placed in the photographer. Through her lens, they honor the unique experience of vulnerability: photographing a person who is almost entirely exposed, both physically and emotionally, while they are aware, willing, and desiring this exposure. The photographer’s emotional response to Dudu’s dedication is expressed through the medium of photography, a tool of grace, kindness, pure emotion, and spiritual intimacy.
The photographs were taken under challenging conditions, in a cramped, dimly lit space cluttered with objects, illuminated only by the bright light of the makeup mirror. Despite these constraints, the photographer captured highly intimate moments. The photographer did not interfere with the ongoing activities, including the makeup artist’s work, the dressing process, or any other aspect of Dudu’s transformation into Miss Cherry.